SILICON MANUAL RESUSCITATORS (Adult/ Pediatric/Neonate varities)
Made from 100% silicon, auto-cleavable, Complete kit has star lumen oxygen tube, reservoir bag, Silicon mask, resuscitator bag and pressure release valve
- Adult – 1600ml
- Pediatric- 750ml
- Neonate-350ml
Nebulizer Mask (Adult/Pedia/ Neonate)
Disposable nebulizer mask with chamber & tube for nebu- lization, soft, large, anatomical shaped face mask fits comfortably over face.
- Nose clip for easy adjustment over patient nose
- Kink resistant, star lumen, anti-crush tube. Tube length-200cm.
- Available in Adult/Paediatric/ Neonate
Oxygen Mask (Adult/Pedia/Neonate with star lumen tubing)
Oxygen mask with star lumen tube, Elastic strap provided to position the mask properly.
- Tube length- 200 cm.
- Sizes available are Adult, Paediatric and Infant.
Anasthesia Mask (100% Silicon available from size 00-5)
Anaesthesia mask is a traditional reusable mask is to reduce the risk of cross-contamination across patients. Switching to single-use masks is considered best practice from an infection control perspective.
- Full range of sizes — Neonate to Adult Large
- Ergonomically designed thumb ridge for comfort and ease of use
- Multi–directional flexibility for a secure patient seal
- Exit ports of individual lumens are separated by appropriate distance in proportion to the catheter’s French size.
- Disposable, sterile and non-pyrogenic.
- Coaxial catheter design maximizes inner diameter of central lumen for high flow capacity
- Transparent crown allows for easy monitoring of patient’s vital signs
Ball Spirometer / Lung Exerciser
- 3 ball Spirometer for lungs exercise. It’s very important and useful for heart and Covid-19 patients.
- Now Doctors also prescription for Lung exerciser it has no side effects. Best thing for Lungs.
- Designed for delivering supplemental oxygen or increase air flow to a patient.
- Star lumen non crush tube with 200 cm length ensure uninterrupted supply of oxygen to patient even the tube bends or kink accidentally.
- Available In Adult/Pedia/ Neonate Varieties.
Bain Circuit offered comprises co-axial modification of basic T-piece system which has been developed for facilitating scavenging of waste anesthetic gases.
- Made up of medical grade raw material.
- Used in mechanically ventilated and laryngectomy patients to heat and moisturize the air and help prevent complications
- That arise when patients lose the ability to breathe through their nose and upper airway.
- Captures heat and moisture on expiration and returns it to the patient in inspiration
- Suitable for spontaneously breathing patients with a tracheostomy tube designed for the successful aspiration of mucus in newly born babies to ensure trouble-free respiration.
- Our mucus extractor is also utilized to obtain sputum and/or tracheal aspirate specimens (mucus speci- mens) to identify possible bacteria in the lungs.